Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Update Dec 15th appt

Went back for non-stress test again on mon. The nurses got both monitors to work on both boys at the same time for the non stress test so I was hooked up to those for about 30 min until they got enough info on the boys and they appeared to be doing fine. Then when they tried test the girl it was harder to find her heartbeat for some reason. When they were finally able to find it her heart rate seemed real low the whole time she was being monitored. The nurses told the Dr. and he wanted to do an ultrasound on her to check things out. He scanned the girl and she was breathing and moving fine and still enough fluid around her. He said the monitor could have possibly been picking up my heart rate instead of hers and that it is just harder for them to do the non-stress tests on multiples so when they don't work they move to the ultrasound and biophysical profile each time. He checked the boys quick also even though their non stress tests were fine and all seem to still be doing good.
Dr. R said each time he sees me now he is looking to see if there is any reason he needs to put me in hospital until delivery and also if he thinks I need to be given steroid shots to help develop the babies lungs. He said he feels certain even if babies were born now they would be in good shape but that the further along we can get the better and if he thinks they are going to be born prior to 33-34 weeks it sounds like he will go ahead and do the steriod shots. For now he said just to continue to rest and we go back thurs. again for another check up.

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