Thursday, December 4, 2008

Dr. appt on Dec. 4th

Well we got some good news at the Dr. appt today. He said we have hit a really big milestone making it to this point (30 wks as of this sat). The ultrasound showed babies still all doing good, there is still plenty of fluid around each and although my bloodpressure went up some it is still average .
Starting next week I will be seen twice a week every week for non-stress tests on the babies to check their movement and heartrates and make sure each one continues to do well or else we are at the point if one is not doing so good they will deliver all of them.
We were able to get a tentative date scheduled for the C-section. If all continues to go well the babies will be delivered on Jan. 21, 2009! If we make it to that point it would be 36 wks and 4 days which is really good for triplets since the average triplets are born around 32-33 wks.
Of course for me that means over 6 wks yet of swollen feet and not being able to really move, walk or sleep much but hopefully I can hang in here as long as possible so that the babies grow as much as possible. I guess on the positive side, only sleeping a couple hours at a time is just good preparation for the future!

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