Today I went back for the 2nd non-stress test of the week on the babies. After about an hour of trying to get the babies to cooperate and find their heart rates on the monitor for a reasonable amount of time the nurses decided it was not going to work today so they decided to go to plan B which is a Biophysical profile.
Dr. Ruedrich said that it is not uncommon for the non-stress tests not to work on multiple babies and when it doesn't that the next step is using the ultrasound and do what they call a biophysical profile where he looks at each baby and watches their breathing, heart rate, movement, muscle tone and amniotic fluid. The babies were all found to be in good health after monitoring each of those areas. The Dr. did have to use a buzzer type thing to wake up baby C so we could see his movement. It must have been his nap time but he did wake up and move fine after that.
Since we were already doing the ultrasound the Dr. went ahead and did measurements of the babies. Baby A: 3 lbs 12 oz (Which Dr. said is actually huge for a triplet at almost 31 weeks)
Baby B: 3 lbs 7 oz
Baby C: 3 lbs 4 oz
Dr. said all of them are good sizes and we will continue to monitor to see how much bigger they will grow and how much longer I can last. He said he wasn't going to put me in hospital bedrest yet so keeping my fingers crossed I can continue to remain at home resting until delivery.
The Dr. said they will try again at next week's appts with the non-stress tests at first and if no luck will move back to the biophysical profile on all of the babies.